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Innovative Teaching Grants are designed to encourage, facilitate, recognize and reward innovative and creative instructional approaches and best practices in accomplishing program objectives. The Crosby Education Foundation offers teachers the opportunity to apply for grants to support innovative programs or projects that promote higher levels of student learning. The grants should enhance student academic performance and support the stated objectives, goals, and initiatives of the District/Campus Improvement Plan.

Persons Eligible to Apply for Grants

Individuals or teams of individuals employed by Crosby ISD who are involved in the instruction of students are eligible recipients for grant funding.

Eligible Proposals:

Instructional approaches or projects designed to begin by the semester after the grant is awarded and which meet the selection criteria are eligible for consideration. Grants may fund instructional and classroom materials or any activity or material which supports higher levels of student academic achievement.

Award of Funds:

Up to $1500 will be awarded to individual teacher initiated programs or projects. Up to $5000 will be awarded to a team of teachers who initiate a program or project.  The number of awards will depend on the funds available from the Crosby Education Foundation.

Selection Criteria will be based on one or more of the following:

  • The degree to which the grant supports the District/School Board Goals, Campus Improvement Plan(s) and/or a specific quantifiable student learning need as identified through campus or district data.

  • The degree to which student academic performance is emphasized with evidence that students will benefit directly from the grant funding.

  • The degree to which sound evaluation procedures are incorporated in the proposal including measurable indicators of success.

  • The degree to which the proposal represents a creative or innovative approach to the accomplishment of objectives.

  • The degree to which the proposal is clear and logical, based on (a) clearly stated goals that are attainable and measurable; (b) clarity of description of instructional procedures, methods or treatments; and (c) relevance of evaluative procedures as related objectives and treatments.

Selection Process:

  1. Application forms are available in Eduphoria.

  2. All applications must be completed in their entirety.

  3. Applications should be completed no later than the date selected by the Crosby Education Foundation Board of Directors.

  4. Applications will be reviewed and approved by the campus Principal in Eduphoria.  Note: For Applications that include technology requests, the District Technology Lead will review and approve the proposed technology in Eduphoria

  5. Applications will be reviewed and commented on by the CEF Grant Application Review Committee, comprised of at least four members of the CEF.

  6. The CEF Grant Application Review Committee’s recommendation will be submitted to the Crosby Education Foundation Board of Directors for approval and funding.

  7. Applicants will be notified of decisions by the date specified by the committee.

Responsibilities of Grant Recipients:

  • Recipients must use the awards for the purposes intended.

  • Projects awarded must be fully implemented by the end of the following semester.

  • Progress on the projects will be monitored by the Foundation.

  • Project must be fully implemented and a final report submitted to the Crosby Education Foundation before recipients can submit an application for another grant.

  • Recipients must agree to share successful procedures in staff development sessions and should submit a “thank you” to their individual donor(s), if applicable.

When applying for a grant, please remember the following:

  • Do not use the name of your campus in the application.

  • Grants are to be used to fund projects that cannot be provided for in the school and district budgets.

  • Objectives and outcomes should be consistent with the goals of your school and the district.

  • When creating your budget, research carefully and be realistic.  Small grants are just as likely to be awarded as large grants. 

  • Grant funding will stay with the campus that the grant was written for and may transfer with the grant recipient to a new campus, but may not be taken with the recipient when leaving district employment.

  • Projects awarded must be fully implemented by the end of the following semester.

Tips for a Successful Application


Statement of Need

  • Describe the area of student achievement you wish to address and give any data that supports the need. Please include how this grant addresses district and campus goals.

  • Keep the statement simple and straightforward.

  • Show how project relates to the District/Campus Action Plan(s).


  • Limit the number of objectives.

  • Imply or state evaluation
    in the statement of objectives.


  • Be specific.


Description of Proposed Project/Activity:

  • Describe the problem or issue addressed.

  • Show how the project supports the purpose.

  • List steps to be followed in project implementation.

  • Relate project to need and objectives.

  • Be specific.


  • Relate to stated objectives.

  • Indicate how you will know whether the project was successful.

  • Present pictures along with your stated objectives… remember,
    a picture is worth a thousand words!”.

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