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2021 Senior Scholarships

The Kristan Groom Creative Response Scholarship
in partnership with the Crosby Education Foundation

Award Amount


Number of Recipients

2 per year

Deadline to Apply

July 1, 2020

Lacy Roberts and the Crosby Education Foundation are offering the Kristan Groom Creative Response Scholarship Award to provide financial assistance to two Crosby High School graduating seniors who demonstrate the potential to become leaders in his or her community.


Application Process:

A student may choose to write a 500-word essay, or may choose to feature a video/mutli-media/artistic response to COVID 19 and how it has impacted the student and their future plans. The only requirement for this scholarship award is the creative response itself. Everyone expresses themselves differently, and we’d like for this scholarship award to be as inclusive as possible, and not limited to a paper-esque medium. For example, if a student seeks a career in commercial music management they may want to compose a song, or if going to art school they may choose to design an image. With today's technology it's as easy as uploading to YouTube and submitting a link across via word file. 



Please provide name, email address, home address, and phone number with entry.  Also, be sure to include plans and goals for the near future.  Submit completed entry with required information to


Selection Process: 

The scholarship Committee will review all qualified applications and select the Kristan Groom Creative Scholarship Award recipients based on his or her creative approach to the topic of the impact of COVID 19 on the applicant as a graduating senior.  All applicants will be notified by email of the final selection by July 15, 2020. 


Award of Scholarship: 

The two recipients will each receive a $300 scholarship award.  Payment will be sent directly to the recipients. This scholarship is a non-renewable award.



Contact the Crosby Education Foundation at

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