Our Mission
The Crosby Education Foundation will partner with the community to provide resources to enrich teaching, inspire learning, and maximize innovative opportunities for all students in the Crosby Independent School District.
Founded in 2011, The Crosby Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 non profit tax-exempt charitable organization.
The Foundation links community resources — time, money, services, expertise — with the needs of our schools to enhance and complement the educational mission of Crosby.
In the past ten years, with the generous support from the community and sponsors, the Foundation has proudly provided more than $617,000 in support, benefiting Crosby students and staff.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Crosby Education Foundation benefit students?
The Foundation supports student programs, projects and initiatives that do not receive tax-based funding. It also promotes and recognizes academic excellence by students and innovative instruction by teachers and staff.
How does the Crosby Education Foundation benefit the community?
A community is more attractive to business because of effective, strongly supported public schools. The Foundation expresses that support. It also builds bridges between schools and the community, between current leaders and the leaders of tomorrow.
We already pay taxes. Why should we donate to the Foundation?
Tax dollars support mandated education. Foundation funding enhances the educational system, making it possible to offer Crosby ISD students the highest quality educational opportunities and experiences.
Who controls the Crosby Education Foundation?
The Foundation is governed by an independent, volunteer Board of Directors including business and community leaders, parents and alumni in the Crosby community who are committed to our schools’ success. While the Foundation operates independently of Crosby ISD, it shares a vision of educational excellence and student achievement. The corporation is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The foundation shall receive and disburse funds, property and gifts of any kind exclusively for the benefit of Crosby Independent School District.
Meet Our Board of Directors
John Webb
Vice President
ShaRhonda Hill
Vice President Finance
Jamie Hicks
Alice Hoy
Susanne Dullack
Marvin Webb
Julie Gilbert
Cedric Patterson, Jr.
Paula Patterson
Dan Meaux
Andrew Davila
Jeannie Knierim
Tanya Eagleton
JR Humpries
Kimberly Moore
Armando Reyes
Our Sponsors
The impact of the Crosby Education Foundation would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors.